As we welcome the year of 2017 and say good bye to 2016, it is important to do some reflections while planning for the future at the same time.
As we continue to sharpen our skill plus knowledge in dividend and REITs investment, we might want to have a personal growth plan for 2017. As Jack Welch said, You Gotta Have Growth!
For 2017, my personal growth plan to enhance practical know how on equity investment include the following weekly goals:
1) Read The Edge Malaysia to sharpen knowledge on economics and corporate development of listed companies and REITs in Malaysia.
2) Read The Edge Singapore to understand corporate development of listed companies and REITs in Singapore.
3) Read Busy Weekly, Malaysia's first Chinese economic and investment weekly to enhance knowledge on Malaysian corporates and sharpen linguistic skill.
4) Read at least one book a week in the areas of equity, REITs and economics. Many great books such as the one written by Greg IP on economics and investing in REITs by the late Ralph Block are worth to re-read.
5) Learn one listed companies or REIT in Malaysia or Singapore on a weekly basis.
I would also consider to attend or sign up for any good online course to widen knowledge towards Singapore REITs or dividend stocks.
Most importantly, I would also love to speak more like-minded investor in 2017 to learn from their experiences and wisdoms.
That said, the weekly goals will amount to nothing in the absence of focus and action. While we build our knowledge domain, it will be great if we can harness the know how to generate more positive returns to enhance our networth too.
Lastly, wishing everyone a year of growth in 2017!